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Willowdale ChineseFocus






Waterloo-Chinese String Performance

 Thanksgiving concert

On Oct. 3rd, the string team of the Waterloo Chinese congregation performed for the first time in NAC annually "Thanksgiving Concern" in Kitchener. The free festival concert for the community was a joint event which included other three Christian denominational churches other than NAC soul purpose kids and choir. It was also designed for making personal donations by willingness to the " Mental Disorder Society".



We are delighted to share their performance with you through the recorded version below. Thanksgiving season is a time of reflecting our thankfulness and acting our timely deeds to support others.








45 Lodge Street, Waterloo,

Ontario N2J 2V5  Map

Regular Service   Sunday 10:30 am

Wednesday   8:00 pm

Sunday School  9:00 am


Email: chinesefocus@mynac.org

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